Welcome to Android Addicts!
Welcome to one British guy’s view of all things Android. I’m currently using a Samsung Galaxy S8 as my ‘daily driver’ but still have my Galaxy S6 to hand. I’ve just recently ordered a Lenovo P2 so am looking forward to that arriving in the next few weeks – you’ll be sure to see a full review and thorough look at the P2 when it arrives on my doorstep.
I have previously run fan sites for HTC phones and also Nokia N-Gage (when that was a thing) so have had a fair bit of experience in and out of the industry. My interest in phones/PDAs was from an early age and I have gone from from a Mitsubishi Trium to Symbian, Android, Windows Phone, back to Android, back to Windows phone and now Android again. I regularly listen to a few Android podcasts and I still have a bit of a love for AAWP podcast too 🙂
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