Exynos 2100 vs Snapdragon 888 COD Mobile FPS Benchmark
Today we’re doing an FPS benchmark with COD Mobile on the Exynos 2100 vs the Snapdragon 888. Can the Mali G78 beat the Adreno 660? Let’s find out! Throughout this test you’ll be able to monitor the median (average) FPS, the average CPU usage as well as a live FPS graph. You’ll also be able to monitor the system temperature for each phone.
I used GameBench for recording the game performance. Be sure to check it out for yourself:
Check out the Genshin Impact FPS Benchmark
Check out the PUBG FPS Benchmark
00:00 Low GFX/Max FPS
05:28 Low/Max Results
06:10 Very High GFX/Very High FPS
11:11 Very High Results
11:47 Very High GFX/Max FPS (Exy)
16:55 Very High GFX/Max FPS Results
17:29 Final Thoughts
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